Curriculum & Assessments


Tiger Preschool will use the Minnesota Early Childhood Indicators of Progress and Creative Curriculum as a foundation to create a high-quality learning environment. Creative Curriculum improves Kindergarten readiness, supports the whole child, is research-based and field proven, and is aligned with early learning standards. In addition, children will be authentically assessed through observation using Teaching Strategies GOLD.

What will my child learn?

Social and Emotional – regulate emotions and behaviors including managing feelings, following time limits and expectations, and taking care of one’s own needs. Establishing and sustaining positive relationships with peers and adults including responding to emotional cues and making friends. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations, including balancing needs and rights of self and others and solving social problems.

Literacy – literacy as a source of enjoyment, vocabulary and language, phonological awareness, knowledge of print, letters and words, comprehension, and books and other texts.
Mathematics – number and operations, geometry and spatial sense, measurement, patterns (algebra), and data analysis.

Science – the physical properties of objects and materials, characteristics of living things, and Earth’s environment.

Social Studies – people and how they live, change related to people and places, and simple geography.

The Arts – visual arts, music, dance and movement, and drama.

Technology – tools and their basic operations and uses.

Process Skills – observing and exploring, problem solving, connecting, organizing, communicating, and representing information.

Integrating Learning Through Studies – exploring science and social studies by applying skills in order to answer questions that interest them.


Teacher and parent/guardian conferences are held two times per year. During this time, the teacher will share the child’s progress, Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment data, and samples of the child’s work.

Please reach out if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress. Your child’s teacher can be reached via Seesaw or face to face during drop off or pick up.