Advisory Council Online Application

The purpose of the District #192 Community Education Advisory Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Community Education department and Director of Community Education in the fulfillment of the Community Education Strategic Framework.

The council meets 6-8 times during each school year at 6:30 pm in person or via Google meet. In person meetings occur at the Community Education Center, located at 6100 195th St. West or the Tiger Legacy and Learning Center, located at 510 Walnut Street.

Child care is available at no cost when requested in advance. Call Community Education at (651) 460-3200 for more information.

Community Education Advisory Council Application


Address City  
Primary PhoneOther Phone  
I will commit to attending 6-8 meetings per year on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm  
I am a Farmington Area School District resident.  
1.If you are a parent/guardian please check all ages that apply  
2.What involvement have you had with Community Education in the past (programs enrolled in or services received?  
3.What personal skills would you be willing to share with our council and community?  (Example: leadership, art work, time, organize classes, key communicator, advocate, volunteer at events)  
4.Indicate any special intereste areas you have within Community Education  
5.Please list any community groups you are involved with
6.Please add any additional information or comments you wish to provide.