Swim Lessons

Swim Lessons:


Fall lessons continue on Sat 9/14 and Sun 9/15.

Registration for Fall and Winter lessons is still open.

Click HERE to register for lessons


 Adaptive and Group Lessons: $80 per person

 Semi-Private Lessons: $145 per person

Make-Up Lessons
It is not logistically feasible to offer make-up lessons for participants that miss a day or two here and there. If/when an entire day of lessons is cancelled for all participants (due to severe weather or some mechanical failure at the pool), we will try to offer a make-up day for everyone affected. If there is not the ability to add a day, we will try to add time to the remaining lessons in that current session.

Colm Griffin, Aquatics Coordinator
[email protected]
To Register: (651) 460-3200
Pool Office: (651) 460-1515