Farmington Area Schools’ Kid Connection is your best choice for your child’s School Age Care for the Summer as well as during the School Year. Kid Connection offers quality, care at each elementary school in the during the school year and various locations each summer. Kid Connection provides enriching out-of-school-time activities before & after school, on non-school days and during the summer. We’re staffed with dedicated and trained professionals who have a combination of education and experience specific to school age children!
Registration for Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 (Sch Yr 2024-2025) Kid Connection and Adventure Week will open on February 1st. Current Kid Connection families have the opportunity to register early, starting Monday, January 29th. Please see your email for the registration code. If you need to change your registration, a $25 change fee will be applied.
Before School Care is 6:00 am until school begins.
After School Care starts when school is dismissed until 6:00 pm.
Non-School Days:
Kid Connection is available from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Register online ~ Pre-Registration is Required.
For more information about Kid Connection click on the Program Information tab or Tuition Information tab.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us HERE!